My Manager Ignores Me…What Can I Do?

My Manager Ignores Me…What Can I Do?

Lisa D. Anderson
Published on: 25/02/2025

What if you noticed that your manager ignores you? What should you do? I have received this question from more than one person, so I decided to write a blog to give some ideas on how to address this with your manager.

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What Do You Mean our Employees Don’t Trust HR?

What Do You Mean our Employees Don’t Trust HR?

Lisa D. Anderson
Published on: 25/02/2025

It’s a hard pill to swallow. How many of us know what our employees REALLY think about the HR department/team? I’ve come across several people that have not had positive experiences with HR or they don’t go to HR because they don’t trust that they will get their issue resolved.

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What's in your Blind Spot?

What's in your Blind Spot?

Lisa D. Anderson
Published on: 25/02/2025

When I was learning how to drive, my dad always told me to watch my blind spot. He was a professional truck driver and explained that the blind spot was important. There’s a car there, but for a split second, you can’t see it because the car is in your blind spot.

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HR Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

HR Put Your Oxygen Mask on First

Lisa D. Anderson
Published on: 25/02/2025

HR professionals make a career out of helping others. Sometimes, however, we need to be reminded that we are better able to help others when we first help ourselves.

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